
Playmates Toys Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Micro Mutants Leo’s Surprise Attack Playset Review


Playmates Toys is offering a new 1 1/4″ scale of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles figures that includes several new playsets available right now in stores. Newly released in this line is a 9 1/2″ Leonardo figure that becomes a surprise attack and training dojo playset that you can see in the gallery below. This is similar to the Raphael 9 1/2″ figure also currently on store shelves, with different mini-figures included as well as a different theme and layout.

The new Micro Mutants collection contains three different sets. The smaller sets comes with two figures and a small car at the $4.99 price point. Mikey’s Skate Park, Raph’s Rooftop Donnie’s Lab, and Leo’s Dojo are the next bigger set and have a $14.99 price point. The largest available sets of Raphael and Leonardo that are standing with a playset around their bodies are $24.99 each.

During New York ToyFair 2017, Playmates Toys announced even more Micro Mutants sets that are coming out later this year and there some great products coming out that we plan to review later on.

Thank you to Playmates Toys for providing their Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Micro Mutants Leo’s Surprise Attack Playset for review.

Availability: March 2017



In giant Turtle mode, Leonardo stands at 9 1/2″ tall and is sculpted to resemble the characters likeness. Leonardo includes his iconic blue banana, white bandages and brown elbow and knee pads. The only points of articulation in this mode are the two swivel shoulders, which can go full range at 180 degrees, and swivel wrists.



The primary features of this playset (also resembles that of the 1996 line) is the Training Room and Battle Room. With Raphael standing up straight, the head folds backward revealing an elevator, and the chest and shell fold down revealing the training room and battle room compartments. The battle room is located in the back behind the shell, and includes jail door that can open, battle platform pegs by moving the lever back and fourth, and an ejection staircase. The stand underneath it is also meant to support the weight of the battle room.



The training includes a flip-up weapons rack, that can hold each of the Turtles iconic weapons. This includes two katana’s, two sais, two nunchucks, and one bo staff. There is also a punching bag of Shredder next to it, and at the top of the slide is a ejection staircase that lifts up when the blue button next to it is pressed.



The elevator can be raised to the top of the head or lowered to one floor and there is a peg for one figure to stand on it. Underneath the elevator, is another trap door that when a figure falls, can be slid through one of two legs and end up at the feet.



The feet also swivel open to reveal one of two new play areas. On the right foot, there is a punching fist that pushing it back, then releasing it by hand. To the right of that, there is a console screen (applied label) with Dogpound shown. On the left foot, there is a prison that opens, that a figure slides into from the top of the hip joint. To the left of that, is a computer console with Karai printed on the included label.



There are also several accessories, two mini-figures, each of the Turltes iconic accessories for the weapons rack as shown above, and a cannon with three missiles. The cannon, as shown above, includes three firing projectiles by pressing the level in the back. The included mini-figures are Leonardo (in tech suit), and Shredder. Both Leonardo and Shredder includes swivel shoulders and legs, and Leonardo uses the sais that are stored on the weapons rack, as he does not include a second pair.
