
Playmates Toys Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Crimson Leader Figure $12.99 On Amazon


Incredible! Just as we reported Muckman was available for $11.99, updated the listed shortly after this for Crimson Leader, announcing that he will be available starting April 19th, and is listed for $12.99.

The figure is packed out as one per case, and both Muckman and Crimson leader have been going for about $30 online due to their limited availability at the moment.

Crimson Leader is Tiger Claw in a robe, as he is determined to bring back Shredder. The robe is made using soft vinyl and is available right now i’m limited supply.

Thank you to some of our readers for writing in that Crimson Leader is also available. 

Head on over to right now and get those orders in early!