
Playmates Toys Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ragin’ Leatherhead Figure Review


Playmates Toys is offering a new Leatherhead figure that is based on the current Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series on Nickelodeon. This new Leatherhead features new deco, and this is part of a new ongoing trend that Playmates Toys will be offering this year. Back at New York ToyFair 2017, they announced several new deco figures based on older releases such as Mutagen Man, Splinter, Leatherhead, Baxter Stockman, Casey Jones, April O’Neil, Bebop and Rocksteady, as well as some new figures that include brand new sculpts. As far as repaints go, Playmates Toys have done a nice job capturing the likeness from the animated series on Leatherhead, and introducing a better show accurate figure.

Besides what was shown at ToyFair, there are no additional figures coming out this year based on the current show, as they are currently working on the new series toyline for next year. Official announcements on that have yet to be announced.

Uncontrollable and fearless, Leatherhead is the Kraang’s worst enemy and creation. After being mutated erin a reptile to a living monster, he promising himself he would “spare this world from their evil” and capture the Kraang’s power cell. A powerful ally in the Turtles’ fight against the Kraang, Leatherhead’s raw power and brute strength make him a force to reckon with.

Availability: April 2017


Leatherhead is among a handful Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles from years past to be offering in new deco as the line wraps up this year. The figure is painted in a lighter green color, which is a bit more show accurate to the animated series. The figure includes the same great textured sculpt as his predecessor, with several different textures on various part of the body. His head sculpt is nicely detailed with the green eyes, and teeth painted all the way around his mouth. While a new head sculpt with an opening jaw would have been ideal for a new release, they did a nice job painting the head. The back and top part of the tail include a white wash over the green deco, which was also seen on the 2013 Leatherhead figure.


The orange bandages around his wrists and ankles pay homage to the classic Leatherneck character of the ’87 cartoon , as the current show has the brown bandages. The original Leatherneck character had an orange shirt, along with a lighter green that is also similar to this figure. The 2013 Leatherneck figure had the brown bandages, which is actually show accurate to these orange ones. Other than the throwback to the original Leatherhead in the classic cartoon, we’re unsure where Playmates Toys got the idea to give him the orange bandages. But it does work well regardless. His chest is painted in beige with some black wash around the edges.

As this is a repaint, all of the articulation remains the same, with a swivel neck, swivel-hinged shoulders, swivel-hinged hips, and a swivel tail. The figure stands at only 4 1/2″ tall, which is a bit too short for a character of a larger scale as seen in the show.

Overall, this is a nice looking repaint, and we can’t wait to check out more releases just like this coming this year.


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