Masters Of The Universe Man-At-Arms Giant Figure Now $44.19 On Mattel eBay Store


Mattel’s eBay Storefront is now offering the former Mattycollector exclusive Masters of the Universe Man-At-Arms Giant figure for just $44.19, which is over $30 off the MSRP of $75.

As time goes on, it’s likely Mattel will continue to mark down their Mattycollector inventory to make room for some of the newer product. Other Masters of the Universe products are listed at full price, with a best offer option. In addition, some of their former Mattycollector DC action figures are discounted to $13.99, such as Batzarro  from the DC Infinite Earths line.

Make sure to visit the Mattel eBay storefront and take advantage of some of these great deals, especially over the 40th of July weekend.