Following the news of Toys “R” Us closing their doors due to bankruptcy, Founder of Strategic Marks, LLC Ellia Kassoff has some exciting news that may give people hope that are looking to bring their kids into a toy store. KB Toys was one of the Countries latest toy stores that closed down in 2008 also due to bankruptcy, and may have a chance at being reopened as Toys “R” Us closes down.
Toys “R” Us may also be saved at least with the Canadian division and 200 of the best preforming stores by MGA Entertainment, as they recently placed a bid to make such a purchase. Incidentally, Toys “R” Us bought KB Toys and now Strategic Marks is looking to bring back that iconic small toy store that everyone remembers.
As some of you know, our company Strategic Marks, LLC has acquired KB-Toys about a year ago. During that period, we had been working on several models to resurrect the “Great American Toy Store” and to make sure the stores can compete with Toys R Us, other brick and mortar stores as well as on-line retail. Well, with the demise of Toys R Us, this week, we have now accelerated our business plan and hope to have our stores up and running before Christmas. We’re in discussions with many of the toy manufactures, as we try to find out the best way to support them and the 20% loss of the US toy market due to the Toys R Us liquidation. We believe we will have the infrastructure in-place and [hopefully] save the toy industry. If you are a toy manufacturer or distributor, or ex KB Toys associate, please feel free to call us at: 949-424-1664 or email us at: We hope to help the industry and at the same time resurrect the amazing KB Toys name!
In the 1980’s-2000’s KB Toys was one of the to-go places to find some great deals including great mark downs, which including the famous 3/$10 action figure and toy bin in the 1990’s. During this time, the store had over 1,000 stores all over the U.S., and carried hundreds of brands including store exclusives and sometimes hard to find products.
However, today’s market is much harder as this current generation of kids are more geared at electronics over actual toys, which is part of the current problem with the industry. It is also unclear how KB Toys, should they re-launch their brand intend to compete with stores such as Wal-Mart, Target, Amazon, and not to mention other stores that are now carrying toys such as Walgreens, Barns & Noble and Best Buy. At the time, KB Toys was also located at most malls throughout the country, and sadly in today’s world, the malls aren’t doing much better than Toys “R” Us. It’s unclear exactly how Ellia Kassoff tends to launch this store in today’s market and even if there will be enough demand and space allowing the retailer to grow to what it once was.
We will update as we learn more.
Source: Ellia Kassoff on Linkedin.