ToyHypeUSA To Attend Four Horsemen Studios G-Con This Friday


We are proud to announce we are making a trip to New Jersey to visit our friends the Four Horsemen Studios, the infamous toy sculptors responsible for creating many of your favorite action figures, including the 1990’s Spawn line at McFarlane Toys, Masters of the Universe and DC figures for Mattel, Masters of the Universe for Super 7 and NECA, Mythic Legions and so much more. Our very own Anthony Scott is going to be interviewed by Cornboy of the Four Horsemen at their annual post-SDCC convention G-Con, which will have many industry professionals in attendance all day to be interviewed as well. You can watch the event, including the unveiling of new Mythic Legions action figures all day on the Horsemen’s Facebook and Instagram live video feeds. This event will take place from 11 am EST – 4 pm EST.

Check out the more recent press release about toy sales, G-Con and more:

RECENT STORE HORSEMEN IN-STOCK SALE:  First and foremost we want to thank every single person who took time out of their schedule to participate in the recent Mythic Legions in-stock sale on Store Horsemen. Whether you were able to get into the Store Horsemen quickly and purchase at least some of the figures you wanted, or even if you tried hard and weren’t successful, and to everyone who helped spread the word about the sale and about Mythic Legions – we truly do appreciate the passionate enthusiasm of&nbs p;Mythic Legions fans and customers. As for the reason for the in-stock sale itself, our lease on our current warehouse space is going to be coming to an end in the very near future and we’re going to be moving on to greener pastures in that area (more about that below), so it was necessary for us to sell as much of our current inventory as possible all at once rather than have multiple in-stock sales over the span of several months as we’d originally planned. As we’ve stated with past in-stock sales, the popularity of Mythic Legions is growing much more quickly than we’d originally anticipated and even though we’ve continually increased the Store Horsemen bandwidth in order to try to handle all of the extra traffic, this time it just wasn’t enough and for the first time since we began creating and selling action figures created from our own properties, Store Horsemen a ctually crashed moments into the sale and was completely down for several hours. Not only were we locked out of our own store and unable to contact the company who handles our storefront to let them know of the problem, but at one point we were even being told that the store no longer existed at all. Store Horsemen eventually went back live on it’s own about five hours after the initial crash, and we kept the “2 characters per purchase minimum” in effect for several hours afterward in order to give everyone as fair a chance of possible to get the figures that they wanted. Even so, many Mythic Legions fans still weren’t able to get all of the in-stock figures that they wanted, and for that we’re truly sorry. There’s no reason we wouldn’t want the figures we’ve created to be kept from the hands of those that really want them. As we’ve mentioned recently, we’re taking measur es to correct this issue and the recent ongoing issues with shipping & customer service, some of which should be quickly rectified with our fulfillment partnership with Megalopolis (see below) as well as a few other measures were going to be announcing in more detail in the near future. The good news is that you may very well have a chance to purchase many of the sold out characters again at a later date during an “All-Stars” pre-order. Also, if the figures you were interested in were part of the Soul Spiller wave, we wanted to let you all know that we were extremely (and accidentally) shorted by our factories on some of those characters (including the immensely popular Ice Troll), and we’re going to be going back into production on many of the characters from that wave to make sure everyone who wants them has a better chance at getting them. More about that soon.

STORE HORSEMEN, POWERED BY MEGALOPOLIS: As you’ve probably heard by now, we announced that we’re going to be partnering up with online retailer Megalopolis to handle the fulfillment of Mythic Legions product. What this means is that you’ll still be able to pre-order Mythic Legions waves through Store Horsemen, and when the stock for those pre-orders are shipped from our factories, they’ll go directly to the Megalopolis warehouse where they’ll handle all of the shipping and customer service logistics. We’re also currently in discussions to possibly run the Store Horsemen storefront through Megalopolis’s system in order to avoid problems like the recent crash of Store Horsemen, but that’s something we’re still working out, and we hope to have a bigger announcement about that in the near future. For those concerned, none of this should have any adverse effect on current Mythic Legions pricing. For those of you who order their Mythic Legions figures through outside retailers, don’t worry. They’re still going to be getting Mythic Legions shipments directly from us, and the Megalopolis partnership won’t affect that end of things at all. Along with longtime Four Horsemen product retailer Big Bad Toy Store, other domestic and international retailers are also jumping onboard with upcoming waves including some new international distribution partnerships. Mythic Legions is going worldwide. More on that soon.

(Press Release – )

G-CON 2019: This coming Friday, July 26th from 11:00am EST to (at least) 4:00pm EST the second annual Four Horsemen Studios G-Con will be live streaming from Four Horsemen Toy Design Studios on various social media outlets! Not only will there be guest appearances and interviews throughout the day, but we’ll also have periodic giveaways and upcoming reveals of characters that will be part of the next wave of Mythic Legions pre-orders which starts at 4:00pm – one hour before the end of the show (more on that below). Like last year, you’ll be able to watch the 2019 edition of G-Con on Facebook Live at or on Instagram Live at four_horsemen_studios. We’re also going to try to set up streaming of G-Con 2019 on at least one more platform, and if we do, we’ll make an announcement about that before the show begins.

MYTHIC LEGIONS JULY 26th PRE-ORDER: As mentioned above, beginning at 4:00pm EST on July 26th, we’ll be launching the next pre-order for Mythic Legions figures (we’ll announce the title of the wave during the broadcast, but we’re betting many of you can already figure out what it’s going to be), and this pre-order is definitely one you’re not going to want to miss. We’ll have more details on the upcoming event soon, but here are a few things that we’re currently ready to announce… 1) There will be an All-In available at a slightly discounted price. 2) We’re going to be sending out a free small gift along with each pre-order placed within the first 24 hours. Just so you’ll know what kind of item to expect, Mythic Legions fans who placed their pre-orders within the first hour of the Mythic Legions: Soul Spiller pre-order last year received a free mace & shield that matches colors of the upcoming Faustia figure from the Mythic Legions: Siege at Bjorngar wave. 3) Although our Mythic Legions pre-orders normally last about 30 days or so, this pre-order will last at least a full two months before we c lose it out, so you should have ample time to get your pre-order in.

POWER-CON 2019: August 17th & 18th, 2019 at the Hilton Anaheim Hotel in beautiful Anaheim, CA the fellas from Four Horsemen Toy Design will be making an appearance, and they’re bringing Mythic Legions with them! As previously shown, we’ll be debuting two characters – Kronnaw & Purrrplor – from the upcoming Mythic Legions: Wasteland wave at the show. More details about our appearance and the two Mythic Legions debut figures to be announced as the date of the show gets closer.

TOYCON NJ FALL 2019 EDITION: The only things we can really currently say about the upcoming fall edition of ToyCon NJis that we’ll be there, and you’ll want to be there as well. Oh, and that it’s November 9th & 10th, 2019.