Panda Mony Toys – Alter Nation Figures – Exclusive 10% Off Coupon Codes For ToyHypeUSA Readers


Panda Mony has given us an exclusive 10% off coupon codes for our readers for the first wave of the Alter Nation figures, as well as the exclusive Sham figure and orange accessories that will be available to order until the end of the week. At this time, you can use coupon codes ToyHypeUSA or toyhype for 10% off until January 31st, 2020, but the exclusives as mentioned above and shown below will only be available until the end of this week at the official Alter Nation online toy store!

You’ve seen our review of 5 of these figures, now make sure to do your part and buy these figures and support this growing toy company. They are also offering Digital Comic Books with Dark Horse Comics, a web series, and more surprises to come. Each figure is priced between $19.99-$21.99 before the discount.