
Playmates Toys Ben 10 – Omni Kix Armor & Bashmouth Figures Review


Just in time for the holidays, Playmates Toys is offering a new wave of their Ben 10 figures, which includes Omni Kix Armor Cannonbolt, Omni Kix Armor Heatblast, Omni Kix Armor Shock Rock, Omni Kix Armor Diamondhead (not shown in the review), and Bashmouth.

The Omni-KixArmor is a new power-up as seen in Season 4 of Ben 10. This power-up is unlocked by putting in a special key that Ben finds in the crater where he first found the Omnitrix in order to one up his rival Kevin Levin.

When Kevin turns in his 11th Alien, Bashmouth, his secret weapon, is a hulking lycanthrope with armored plating, jaws strong enough to crack concrete, fists that morph into giant sledgehammers and a temper that makes rath look like a kitten! When Kevin goes bash mouth, he loses his temper and his reasoning all at once and endangers everything in his path.

Thank you to Playmates Toys for providing their Bashmouth, Omni Kix Armor Cannonbolt, Omni Kix Armor Heatblast, and Omni Kix Armor Shock Rock figures for review.

Availability: December 2019

Each figure is packaged on a blister card, with artwork from the show on the cover and back, along with a character bio, and images of many of the figures being offered right now.


Bashmouth is the 11th Alien form that Kevin can take, and this Alien has the appearance of a werewolf. The character is described as having dark grey fur, but the figure however has blue and white fur, with the fur sculpted on his arms, feet, tail, head and back of his neck. His outfit includes a brown shirt with sculpted lines, and black pants. His forearms and right shoulder have armored plating that is painted in grey with black straps on the forearms. There is also Kevin’s Omnitrix symbol on his chest, and cast in black with some red deco on the left side. His facial details are nicely done, with red eyes that glare at you.

His articulation includes a swivel head, ball hinged shoulders, swivel-hinged elbows, swivel wrists, swivel-hinged hips, swivel-hinged knees, and a swivel tail.


The Omni Kix Armor Cannonbolt, Heatblast, and Shock Blast figures is a new Power-Up that Ben can do as seen in the fourth season of the show, and these figures are given a completely new look with armor covering their entire Alien bodies. Cannonbolt is painted in grey, brown, black, yellow and green deco, and given a really nice looking design. The sculpt includes forearm guards that look like shields, the chest and back is mostly painted in yellow, with the Ben 10 symbol on his chest, green eyes, and grey eye brows. His articulation includes hinged shoulder pads, ball hinged shoulders, swivel-hinged elbows, and swivel legs. The legs are designed just like the Mighty Mugg figures, and he is limited in poses that you can create for display.


Heatblast is painted in grey, red and black armor, with dark grey metallic tubes on his chest, back and legs. This new armor includes enhanced flame throwing abilities, such as the flame thrower on his left forearm, and the flame on his head sculpt can even be removed to reveal his head, a feature that previous Heatblast figures did not have. He also has his Ben 10 symbol on his chest, that is connected to the tubes. His articulation includes ball hinged shoulders, swivel-hinged elbows, swivel wrists, swivel waist, swivel-hinged hips, and swivel-hinged knees.


Shock Rock’s chest plate has the ability to draw energy from across the galaxy and uses it to blast away evil, and the figure is painted with a black armor on his chest with silver tubes around it, which are connected to a circular tube, with the Ben 10 logo at the center of it. He is also painted in blue, light grey, and bright green deco. The armor includes shoulder guards with spikes, forearm guards, the chest piece, and the armor that makes up his legs. The head sculpt is flat and has a circular sculpt to it, and has a flat sculpt to it as well. His fists are large enough for punching action and there are also sculpted lines on the hands and arms that you might miss if you don’t look closely. His articulation includes a ball jointed head, ball hinged shoulders, swivel-hinged elbows, swivel wrists, swivel waist, swivel-hinged hips, and swivel-hinged knees.

Overall, Playmates Toys continues to offer such nicely detailed Ben 10 action figures and this wave is no exception to the attention to detail that you also see in their Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles line that they work on. If you’re a fan of animated figures, and especially the Ben 10 franchise, make sure to grab yourself a set of the figures now. Look for these in stores now, but note that some of these may be difficult to find, so you may want to look online and pay a few dollars more.


Entertainment Earth

