PandaMony Toys – Alter Nation Alpha & Bomber Wave 2 Figures Update


By now, you may have heard of a small toy company called PandaMony Toys and their Alter Nation line of action figures that have been in the market for a few years now. was developed with the help of kid focus groups as an alternative to “traditional” action figures. The figures are all animal/human hybrid characters, with the exception of Sabotage, who is a cyborg. Each figure features an action feature and comes with accessories. Wave one of the line consists of El Rey, Daart, Sham, Quillroy, Albert VII and Sabotage. These figures are very cool and some of the action features are really incredible.

Since we met them for the first-time at San Diego Comic-Con 2019, we’ve seen the line grow with support, including being carried at FOA Schwartz in New York City. The first wave has been available for sometime now, and on the packaging they hint at Alpha and Bomber figures are listed to be coming soon, and now we finally have an update on this:

The number one question we get asked is “When are Alpha and Bomber coming out?” After all, our dunderheads on the marketing team decided we should write “coming soon” on every package of Alter Nation! What gives?

Well, there was a little complication in 2020 that prevented us from moving inventory at conventions. I can’t remember the details right now, but it involved a little Italian guy from New York telling us not to even step outside of our home, much less go to a convention!

I demanded my entire staff rack their smooth little human brains to come up with a solution. After far too long, the best they could come up with the idea of putting the responsibility on you, the fans. That’s right, crowdfunding. Since we utterly failed to come up with a plan to continue selling toys in a situation where we were completely restricted, we need you to save us from our shortsighted blunder.

We’re Launching a Kickstarter this summer. Expect to see it sometime around late July. Why such a lack of commitment to a date? Well, we already failed to deliver on the “coming soon” bit. We don’t want to botch this again, but the even bigger reason is, we need to get the word out before the Kickstarter starts to make sure it goes off with out a Hitch, starring Will Smith and Eva Mendes.

My gut says our ‘genius’ marketing team thinks that if Alpha and Bomber don’t come out, they can blame you, but you and I are not going to let that happen! I am humbly (for once) asking fans please share your enthusiasm for Alter Nation on your favorite internet forums and social media groups where people might be interested in Action Figures or great toys for kids, share our posts, and even just tell your friends and other parents. I’ll take care of the rest, but we need more of your mouths to do some word-of-ing!

When the kickstarter goes live, make sure to support PandaMony and help get these figures made!

You can order these figures online at Boop Toys. Each figure is priced at $21.99-$24.99, and a set at $140.94. With any Alter Nation order, you get a FREE Alter Nation comic book.