Inspired from the Japanese Headmasters animated series, Takara-Tomy is offering their upcoming Transformers Masterpiece MPG-02 Trainbot Getsuei (2 of 6 Trainbots), which you can pre-order now for $140.99. This is expected to ship in October 2022. Pre-Orders can be found at Entertainment Earth, BigBadToyStore, Hobby Link Japan, Zavvi U.S./Canada, and Zavvi U.K
Takara Tomy’s new Masterpiece G series features the trainbots made popular in the TV anime Transformers: The Headmasters. The next in the line is Getsuei, a triple-changer that can transform from robot, to train engine, to combiner mode, and back again. When in train mode, Getsuei can be displayed on the included rails. Set also includes a weapon, joint parts, a character card, and instructions.