Four Horsemen Studios – Cosmic Legions: OxKrewe: Book One – Thraxxon Figures Pre-Orders


BigBadToyStore has opened pre-orders of the Four Horsemen Studios upcoming Cosmic Legions: OxKrewe: Book One – Thraxxon Figures, which was shown at this past summers Power-Con. The figure are priced between $49.99 – $59.99 and ship Q4, 2024. You can grab these now by clicking HERE!

Cosmic Legions: OxKrewe: Book One, Thraxxon Thraxxon – Deluxe Orvar Figure

This deluxe Orvar Cosmic Legions action figure stands approximately 7 inches tall and includes 34 points of articulation. It will come in a collector-friendly, 4-color window box, with character-specific packaging details and accessories.

Ornery and ill-tempered, Orvar’s personality is well suited to his role as the “demolition and discovery specialist” for the OxKrewe. Orvar’s job is straightforward – when the crew finds a salvage site, he is the one who goes in to break it apart and dig out the treasures that may be hiding inside. The work agrees with Orvar, since blowing things up is one of only two things he enjoys – the other being complaining about the “horrible conditions” of the homeworld that he escaped from before joining the OxKrewe.

As one of the six surviving members of the OxKrewe, Orvar knows that they must all pull together if they hope to survive long enough to be rescued. Finding some of his explosive charges amongst the wreckage of the Qorgonox, Orvar adapts these into traps which he places around their camp. While these explosives are meant to keep the OxKrewe safe, the vibrations made from the detonations of these traps end up attracting attention to the crew’s makeshift camp from some of Thraxxon’s most aggressive inhabitants.

Cosmic Legions: OxKrewe: Book One, Thraxxon Thraxxon – Deluxe Uularia Speer Figure

This deluxe Kurnn Ray Cosmic Legions action figure stands approximately 8 inches tall and includes 37 points of articulation. It will come in a collector-friendly, 4-color window box, with character-specific packaging details and accessories.

Uularia and her husband, Vellok, have worked for the AEXOR3 corporation as reclamation specialists for many cycles. As the navigator of the Qorgonox, Uularia’s job is to chart safe passage for the “OxKrewe” to wherever their assignments may take them. She takes this role incredibly seriously, for those crew members who travel alongside her are more than just her co-workers, they are her chosen family and she is the protective mother whose job it is to keep them on the right path.

Stranded on a strange planet with limited equipment and fewer resources, Uularia cobbles together broken pieces of navigation tech, eventually discovering that they are on a planet called Thraxxon, deep within the Fourth Ring of Cosmerrium. While her husband is keenly focused on the challenges in front of them, Uularia struggles to come to terms with their situation, feeling somehow that she may be responsible for their ship going off course and her family suffering for that mistake.

Cosmic Legions: OxKrewe: Book One, Thraxxon – Deluxe Vellok Speer Figure

This deluxe Vellok Speer Cosmic Legions action figure stands approximately 8 inches tall and includes 37 points of articulation. It will come in a collector-friendly, 4-color window box, with character-specific packaging details and accessories.

Vellok Speer’s official AEXOR3 designation is the pilot of the reclamation vessel known as the Qorgonox. However, to those who travel aboard that ship as part of the “OxKrewe”, Vellok is their unofficial leader and nothing less than a father figure to this unconventional family.

Vellok is the first to awaken after the Qorgonox crashes on an unknown planet. Devastated by the loss of so many members of his adopted family amongst the OxKrewe, he knows that the time for mourning them will have to wait. His first priority must be to those who have survived the crash. Gathering whatever pieces of the wreckage that they can salvage and erecting a makeshift camp inside one of the ship’s damaged transport containers, Vellok vows that he will find a way to protect the members of the crew that remain under his care.

Cosmic Legions: OxKrewe: Book One, Thraxxon – Lowland Scapeback Figure

This Lowland Scapeback Cosmic Legions action figure measure approximately 7 inches long and includes 32 points of articulation. It will come in a collector-friendly, 4-color window box, with character-specific packaging details.

Scapebacks can be found across all of Thraxxon, with different variations of this species adapted to survive in the specific parts of the planet where they live. Native to the harsh valleys of Thraxxon, the lowland scapeback is the most aggressive classification of this race. Lowland scapebacks have heavy plates of armor and sharp spines across their body. This armor protects the scapeback while also allowing it to perfectly blend into the landscape of the planet as they hibernate to conserve energy, only emerging once they believe a potential meal is nearby.

The vibrations caused by explosives along the perimeter of the OxKrewe’s camp awaken a herd of lowland scapebacks. Enraged and ravenous, the scapebacks enter a feeding frenzy and attack the camp, easily breaking through the perimeter defenses which do nothing against the beasts’ armored hides. It is only the intervention of the Veeblian named UkHa, along with a party of Thraxxian scouts, that saves the OxKrewe from becoming the scapebacks’ next meal.

Cosmic Legions: OxKrewe: Book One, Thraxxon – Kurnn Ray Figure

This Kurnn Ray Cosmic Legions action figure stands approximately 7 inches tall and includes 31 points of articulation. It will come in a collector-friendly, 4-color window box, with character-specific packaging details and accessories.

Relieved at having survived multiple threats to their camp, the OxKrewe take a few moments to celebrate and recognize that, despite all the hardships they have faced since their crash, they are lucky to still be together. As the celebration winds down, the crew spot a stranger on the horizon. Heavily armed and well equipped, this mysterious character seems to be watching the camp, but before the OxKrewe can investigate, the stranger disappears.

Kurnn Ray knows she was spotted, something she had hoped to avoid as she tried to investigate what was clearly a ship’s crash site. Seeing the crash’s survivors and their camp, she knows she must report back immediately. Finding a hiding spot in the base of the Thraxxface, she removes her helmet and heavy coat as she fires up her communications gear. That gear is archaic, but it works as she taps a message to her people. “Intruders here. Come get.”, she writes. A light blinks, confirming that the message has been received, and that her people are on their way.

Cosmic Legions: OxKrewe: Book One, Thraxxon – UkHa Figure

This UkHa Cosmic Legions action figure stands approximately 7 inches tall and includes 31 points of articulation. It will come in a collector-friendly, 4-color window box, with character-specific packaging details and accessories.

As a remote planet, Thraxxon is very primitive from a technological standpoint. While the Thraxxians eschew any non-native technology, the Veeblians revere that same tech, treating it with fascination and giddy excitement. Part of a structured, hive-like society with homes built into the vast cliffs that rise from the valleys of Thraxxon, Veeblians adorn those homes with the discarded technological curiosities that they find. Most Veeblians view these trinkets as mysterious treasures, but some, like UkHa, have learned how to repair and use some of the items which they have found, making them even more revered by their tribes.

The OxKrewe are cautious as they make contact with another native of Thraxxon, but UkHa quickly puts the crew at ease and makes himself useful. Helping the crew’s mechanic, Kogg, repair some demolition gear, the Veeblian also provides the crew with some invaluable insights about the planet which they find themselves stranded on and the species which call Thraxxon home.

Cosmic Legions: OxKrewe: Book One, Thraxxon – Thraxxian Scout Figure

This Thraxxian Scout Cosmic Legions action figure stands approximately 7 inches tall and includes 30 points of articulation. It will come in a collector-friendly, 4-color window box, with character-specific packaging details and accessories.

Natives of Thraxxon, Thraxxians are well adapted to living in the harsh environments of their home planet. Notoriously territorial, Thraxxians maintain a primitive, yet well-structured social community amongst their familial tribes. From the Elders to the hunters, down to the scouts who are sent out to investigate threats to the community, all Thraxxians will exhibit extreme aggression towards anything they do not understand or which they believe to be a disruption to their continued existence.

As the surviving members of the OxKrewe scour the wreckage of their ship looking for items they can use in their makeshift camp, they see a small party of Thraxxian scouts watching them from a distance. The scouting party begins to test the defenses of the crew’s camp, eventually leading to a violent confrontation that the OxKrewe is lucky to escape from unharmed. The Thraxxians retreat back into the rocky landscape of Thraxxon, but the OxKrewe know that they have not seen the last of these reptilian menaces.

Cosmic Legions: OxKrewe: Book One, Thraxxon – OxKrewe Campside Collection

The storyline for this wave centers on the crew of the Qorgonox ship that crashes on the planet Thraxxon. To survive on this desolate planet, the six survivors cobble together whatever pieces of equipment they can salvage, and this set allows you to recreate part of the camp that they set up!

This accessory and diorama set includes items that can be used to recreate the OxKrewe’s makeshift camp on the planet Thraxxon! This set includes a large crate, a small crate, a generator with chassis, a computer, and 2 tubes.