Four Horsemen Studios – Mythic Legions: Rising Sons Figures


The Four Horsemen Studios announced their upcoming Mythic Legions: Rising Sons Figures, which was announced today at G-Con. The pre-order is live now, and when that closes, BigBadToyStore will carry these.

This wave includes:

Attlus the Conqueror 2

Once the rightful heir to the throne of Leandorr, it has been decades since Attlus Leossyr disappeared from the kingdom of his birth. During his years away, he has been a prisoner, a gladiator, a hermit, a husband, a conqueror, and a reluctant leader. Known as “the Noble Bear”, Attlus returns to Leandorr with an army of misfits and outcasts by his side. The House of the Noble Bear has come to lend their strength to the fight against the evils threatening the Realm, but with the Second Great War looming, Attlus will face more than just the Legions of Dark. He must come to terms with his past if he has any hope of winning the battle before him.

Bödvar (Deluxe Beast)

In the days before the House of the Noble Bear marched from the colds of Bjorngar towards inevitable war, Attlus the Conqueror returned to the home he once shared with his wife, Risha. Making his way to the tree under which he had buried her body, the tree whose destruction by orc raiders led to Attlus picking up his blades once again, the barbarian was greeted with an unexpected sight. A gigantic bear sat by the charred remains of the tree, its head bowed and eyes closed as if in silent prayer. Wary of alarming the bear, Attlus backed away quietly, but the bear opened his eyes and looked his way. Attlus felt his breath leave his body. He saw his wife’s eyes reflected in the gaze of that beast, and the barbarian king knew that somehow, his wife has had sent this creature to his side in his most desperate hour. Together man and beast left Risha’s Grove, as Attlus the Conqueror rode Bödvar towards the greatest battle the Realm of Mythoss had ever seen.

Broddr of Bjorngar

There are few places on the map of Mythoss more inhospitable than the icy reaches of Bjorngar, but even the vast peaks of this frozen wasteland cannot shield its people from the evils that threaten Mythoss. An elder in the barbarian clan that has long made its home in the North, Broddr was one of the first to swear loyalty to the conqueror king they call the Noble Bear. Acting as a mentor and a guide, Broddr has helped Attlus build the ranks of his House. Following the lead of mighty Broddr, the Barbarians of Bjorngar now march from their homes towards an uncertain future as the Second Great War of Mythoss begins.

Diis Paatar

The favorite son from a nest of Skorrian assassins, Diis Paatar is one of the most ambitious killers in the Sons of the Red Star. Diis has made a name for himself through some of the boldest, and others would say most reckless, assassinations in recent memory. Through his success, Diis has made it known to all that his goal is to supplant Gryshaa the Slytherer as Skapular’s favorite killer within the Sons and make his Skorrian brethren a key part of the faction’s chain of power. These claims have brought the Skorrian to the attention of the Slytherer, setting up a conflict between two of the Realm’s deadliest assassins.

Exiles From Under the Mountain (2-pack)

The once-heroic Kingdom of Ironhold has turned to the side of darkness. Rejecting this alliance with the Legion of Arethyr and remembering the heroic oaths that they once swore, many dwarves have fled from their homes under the Mountains, becoming exiles without a banner to swear allegiance to. Finding a new family amidst the outcasts of the House of the Noble Bear, dwarven warriors like Antonn of the Forge, Kavan Dragobane, Dagna Stormforger, Krys Snapbeard, and others have taken up arms once again. They are bold, brash, and loud – and they are single-minded in their determination to reforge the good name of the dwarvenfolk of Mythoss!

Manisha Cinderhorn

The youngest daughter of Malachi Cinderhorn, Manisha left her father’s side many years ago. Manisha believes that the Shadow Elves’ jealousy of the other Fae-born blinds them to opportunities to increase their own influence within the Realm. She aligned herself with the Sons of the Red Star as a way to prove to her father that her people should focus on their own self-interests over fealty to a decaying god. One of the most intelligent individuals within the ranks of the Sons, Manisha knows that a sharp mind is often as useful as a sharp blade, and Skapular trusts her to determine which of these she must use in her assignments.


The Frost Elf named Névé was one of the menagerie of exotic warriors who fought in the Mercurian Coliseum. A star attraction due to her strength and race, Névé was treated like a celebrity by her Mercurian hosts. When the Coliseum fell, Névé lost everything. The Frost Elf followed Attlus to Bjorngar, where she intended to kill him for what his rebellion had cost her. Visited in a dream by the Great Wolf whom Frost Elves believe protects those from the North, she was told that her destiny was to one day save the life of the barbarian. When Attlus formed the House of the Noble Bear, Névé was amongst the first to join, ready to fulfill her destiny.

Regarionn (Ogre-Scale)

Northlands Minotaurs are some of the heartiest members of the Cloven race, in part due to the extreme climates they make their homes in. Attacked and cornered by poachers, Regarionn was rescued by Attlus the Conqueror. Once a prisoner himself who was forced to fight for the amusement of others, Attlus refused to let another fall to that fate. Fighting beside each other, a lifelong friendship and alliance was formed. While the strength of Regarionn is a boon to Attlus’ army, it is his keen survival instincts amidst the unforgiving colds of Bjorngar which have made him such a valuable member of the House of the Noble Bear.

Skapular the Cryptbreaker 2 (Deluxe Figure)

Skapular the Cryptbreaker left the Congregation many years ago. More interested in a life of excess than in bringing death to the Realm, he established the band of mercenaries known as the Sons of the Red Star. Named after a mysterious celestial body said to bring riches and power to those who worship under its light, the Sons have become a wildcard in Mythoss. Skapular has a connection to Attlus from a long ago meeting that helped shape both their lives. That meeting led to Attlus becoming the Noble Bear, while Skapular, and his alias Emir Casparr, became the shadowy force behind many of the Realm’s unexplained disappearances and assassinations.

Uumbra (deluxe steed)

Never known for his modesty, Skapular the Cryptbreaker enjoys beauty and opulence in all things. There were those within the Sons of the Red Star who thought he had gone mad when he nearly emptied his coffers to acquire a steed he deemed worthy of his station. Those whispers were immediately silenced the first time the undead assassin rode forth on his dark unicorn, Uumbra. A powerfully magical creature whose existence was thought to be little more than a fairytale from the earliest days of the Realm, Skapular enjoys bragging about how he paid a kingly fortune in order to secure the unicorn from “beyond the shores of Mythoss.” More than just a showpiece, Uumbra’s magic has helped Skapular execute some of his most daring capers, and escape from some of his closest calls, in his time as leader of the Sons of the Red Star.

Yōshanai Kari

The Sons of the Red Star are comprised of the most skilled assassins in the Realm – but not every job calls for stealth and cunning. This is when Yōshanai Kari is summoned. This unyielding warrior is said to be a Yōkainari, or the ghost of a demon. Yōkainari do not sleep, eat, or have any other tangible needs. As such, it is a mystery how Skapular convinced the demon swordmaster to join his faction of mercenaries. Whatever he promised the Yōkainari to gain his allegiance, it was a worthwhile expense, for Skapular delights in using his nightmarish henchman to send a clear message to those who think to stand against the Sons of the Red Star.