Hasbro Transformers Generations Selects Legacy Evolution Voyager Class Antagony Figure Review



Hasbro’s newly released Transformers Generations Selects Legacy Evolution Voyager Class Antagony Figure is inspired from the 1998 BotCon convention exclusive figure, and is a repaint of Transformers Legacy: Inferno figure. These characters are part of the Beast Wars Universe, and Antagony was only featured in the BotCon comic book and offered as an action figure only at that years show, and not offered as a toy outside that convention until now.

Thank you to Entertainment Earth for sending along Hasbro’s Transformers Generations Selects Legacy Evolution Voyager Class Antagony Figure for review. 

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Availability: December 2023, ships again February 2024 at Entertainment Earth

Antagony is packaged in a brown box that is used for exclusive figure offerings, such as we’ve seen Hasbro using for certain offerings such as this. The box has an image of Antagony on the front, with the Legacy Evolution logo on the upper right hand side. Inside, she is packaged between two sheets of cardboard as this is plastic free packaging, and the instructions are below that.


Antagony is a repaint of Inferno, and is in black and lavender, with sculpted textures on the body throughout the sculpt. The eyes on the robot head and any head are acrylic pieces, so light can reflect on this. Just like Inferno, herabdomen can split into a four bladed propeller and the blaster can be plugged into the back so she can take flight, as you will recall that the vintage toy had, and the Legacy Inferno release.

Just like Inferno, her jaw is hinged and you need to lift it up at the top. More of the articulation is covered in the video.

The blaster is painted in a dark grey with purple plastic, and can fit in either of her hands, or in the back so she can take flight.

She also has the TransMetals Scavenger head that Inferno came with. In the vintage Beast Wars toyline, Inferno was given a TransMetal figure and they renamed him Scavenger, but in the cartoon he kept his old body while other characters got the upgraded tech from the Vok at the end of the first season and beginning of the season of the series. This head is painted in a metallic grey, purple and teal, with white teeth.

Comparing her to Inferno, you can see the differences in deco as she is a repaint, just like she was in the vintage toyline.

Her beast mode is a carpenter ant, and the transformation is the same as Inferno’s. The legs can be a bit difficult as they need to be positioned just right so it would fit into the back. The articulation in this form includes swivel pinchers, swivel antenna’s, and swivel legs.


Comparing her to Inferno in beast mode, both of these look great in this form as well, and the blaster can be stored on the back as there is a hole for the peg of the blaster can plug into.

Overall, Antagony is a great offering and long overdue to be included in a mainstream line. Most fans won’t have her as she was limited to only 600 figures back at BotCon 1998, so this is your best bet at owning this character to your collection. Make sure to grab her and other figures now while they’re available.


Entertainment Earth

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