Boss Fight Studio Exclusive Interview On Bucky O’Hare Action Figure Line


Boss Fight Studio have begun shipping out their Bucky and Jenny figures from their Bucky O’Hare line-up, which is the first wave planned in a potential growing line for them. Andrew of Boss Fight Studio has taken some time of his busy schedule to answer our questions of their plans for this line.

These figures can be ordered on Entertainment and


Thanks for the opportunity to interview Boss Fight regarding Bucky O’Hare. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Boss Fight Studio on their continued success, and I am looking forward to these Bucky  O’Hare figures.

Thank you, Anthony!  We’re very excited about the project, and couldn’t have picked a better license to start off with in terms of fun and working with great people!


1. Do you have access to all media (ie Comic, Cartoon, Video Games) or are you limited to just the Hamaverse characters?

I don’t believe we’re limited in any way.  We’ve been encouraged to look at comics, animation, video games and even unrealized toy concepts.

2. Taking a page from Super 7 like they did with He-Man (The Curse of the Three Terrors), would you consider making new episodes of the cartoon or publish the unreleased second story arc by Hama in the form of a new

We’d love to help in the creation of new story material, whenever possible!  We’re already exploring that with some new bios written by Larry Hama for wave 2 and beyond.  You’ll first see these on Astral Projection Jenny and Stealth Mission Bucky.

3. If the line proves itself, would you consider making retro figures (like Super 7) of the unproduced figures such as Jenny?

We don’t want to rule anything out, but right now our attention is on making modern, fully articulated figures.

4. How many variants of each figure are necessary to justify new sculpts?

There is no set number that we’ve worked out, but in general we’d like to be able to get two or three uses out of each new tool.  To that end, we’re trying to make compelling variants that have a story purpose and look great.

5. The silhouette of the Toad Storm Trooper that you revealed  suggests that they are the next figure after Dead Eye Duck, when will you reveal their sculpt?

We revealed the Storm Toad Trooper at Rhode Island Comic Con in November.  We’re still tweaking some paint details, but are very excited about this one!


6. For those of us who like to army build, will the Toad Storm Trooper come with different faces to justify multiple purchases?

The Toad has two different head sculpts and two different headgear choices – standard helmet and cap.

7. Is there any variants planned for Dead Eye Duck?

Yes!  We’ve already revealed the ‘Corsair Canard Dead-Eye’ that will come packed in a lunch box (how cool is that?!), and there’s one other very special one in the planning.


8. The original line of figures weren’t really to scale, will yours be?

Yup!  One of the primary goals of this product line is to represent the characters scale to each other as accurately as possible.

9. In the case of Blinky (if and when you get him) How will you handle his articulation? Will you use wire in the arms like the original?

Blinky, if we get to him, will use standard articulation points like the other figures, which we’ll try to integrate as well as we can into his tube-like limbs.

(image for vintage figure used for reference)

10. Are vehicles a possibility? and if so would you scale down the Righteous Indignation? maybe to accommodate two figures or would you do it to scale? And what are the factors to consider in the design process?

Vehicles are being looked at, and like the figures, we would want to represent the scale as accurately as possible.

11. Like you have done with your other lines will you be offering any exclusives for Bucky (ie convention or retailer)?

Yes, this is something that is in the works.

12. A while ago you had a survey asking fans who they’d like to see made, will you release the results of that or is that purely for internal purposes?

Internal purposes.  Bucky O’Hare has a lot of very cool secondary and tertiary characters, and it helps to know where consumers priorities are.  That guidance along with visual coolness and story importance all play into which figures happen and when.

13. How many waves would you like to produce in a year?

As many as we can!  As a small company we’re somewhat resource-limited, but we try to get exceptional product out as quickly as we can.

14. When will wave 2 be available to pre-order?

We’re currently targeting a 12/1/17 Pre-order date for Wave 2.  This includes Stealth Mission Bucky, Chief Gunner’s Mate Dead-Eye Duck and Astral Projection Jenny.



15. What was the driving force behind bringing Bucky O’hare toy line back
to life?

A number of years ago, I had a great conversation with Larry Hama about the genesis of Bucky O’Hare, how much potential it had, and how much affection he still had for it.  I was already a fan of the property, but Larry’s enthusiasm was infectious.  It was always on our short list of licensed properties to look at.  We’re having an absolute blast working on Bucky and with Continuity, Neal, Larry and Michael.  


ToyHypeUSA would like to thank Boss Fight Studio and Andrew for this interview opportunity.

All other media – please ask for permission before using any of this content. You need permission from both ToyHypeUSA and Boss Fight Studio.