Kokomo Toys eBay Store – Vintage Hasbro Transformers G1, Beast Wars & More

kokomo Toys is offering a great selection of vintage Transformers action figures by Hasbro on their eBay storefront.

The new listings includes vintage Transformers Generation One, Beast Wars, Transformers Star Wars Crossovers, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, and more. Each of these is a figure lot that includes an assortment of figures of each line mixed together.

There are a few auctions that have a mix, such as one with Cybertron, Armada, Robots in Disquise, and Energon. Each of these lots have a starting bid for $10 plus shipping, and the auctions end on next Friday afternoon.

In addition, they have many more auctions still available such as Generation One reissues, Kenner and Hasbro Techno Zoids and more.