Kokomo Toys eBay Store – Masters Of The Universe Classics Prototype Test Shot Figures


Some interesting new listings have been added to Kokomo Toys eBay storefront of several test shot prototype figures of Mattel’s Masters Of The Universe Classics line. There are multiple listings for some of these such as Hordak, and has has several different prototype variations available.

These listings include She-Ra, Dekker, Chief Carnivas, Webster, Faker, Hordak, Mer-Man, Slush Head, Queen Marlena and there are possibly others as well. This is your chance to own a piece of a rare collectible that almost no one else will own. Each figure is priced between $75 – $100 USD. Free domestic shipping is offered.

In addition to these, there are additional prototypes from many other toy lines and companies offered from several decades. Make sure to take a look.