Super7 SDCC 2018 – Masters Of The Universe Classics Snake Mountain Playset Is Happening



After three years of waiting, the Snake Mountain playset is finally being made, which was previously shown off at SDCC 2015 and PowerCon. Snake Mountain was originally slated for a Mattycollector exclusive, then there were plans to resize it for cost measuring. Super7 has been talking about Snake Mountain for sometime now following the launch of their Masters of the Universe Classics line that they are continuing on behalf of Mattel.

Following San Diego Comic-Con 2015, Mattel did attempt a pre-sale of Snake Mountain without success, and it was cancelled without an additional attempt to offer it. The Four Horsemen have released a statement and images over on their Instagram page, and are showcasing some of the lizards and detail of this upcoming set. This will likely be a made-to-order release as that is the new offering that Super7 is doing with the line. Additional details and pricing are not available yet.

From the Four Horsemen –

One of our favorite details from the new Snake Mountain playset coming from Super 7!!! The vintage stickers were such an integral part of the original playsets, so it’s always fun for us to translate them into 3D. We have more pics to share from this monstrous playset coming soon!

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