Diamond Select Toys NYTF 2019 – Booth Coverage

Diamond Select Toys are introducing many new collectibles heading your way into 2019. A full gallery is below for you to check out. Some new reveals include Marvel Select Sandman, The Nightmare Before Christmas Series 9 and 10, Marvel Minimates X-Factor and more.

Pre-Orders are available on Entertainment Earth, BigBadToyStore, Megalopolis: City Of CollectiblesThings From Another World and Amazon.com.

There are four waves of The Nightmare Before Christmas Select figures that are being shown. The first two include the diorama pieces to make the play set shown in the gallery. Waves 9 and 10 (Jack comes with the sled), includes pieces in each set to add to the sled, and these waves are planned for a 2020 release.

It was previously announced that Diamond Select Toys purchased Gentle Giant, and they have new Star Wars statues and busts on display.