The Loyal Subjects line-up of Masters of the Universe and WWE Vinyl Figures were shown off at this years New York ToyFair, which at the time shown off many of this years offerings. The Masters of the Universe line-up saw a second wave of figures, such as Battle Armor He-Man, Battle Armor Skeletor, Battle Cat, Panthor, King Grayskull, Hordak, Mantenna, Ram Man, Grizzlor, Fisto, Stinkor, King Randor, Orko, and others. For WWE, they are offering AJ Styles, Ultimate Warrior, Undertaker, Romain Reigns, John Cena, Brock Lesnar, Finn Balor, a wrestling ring, and more.
Back at the show, it had sounded as though the blind boxes were going to be just for the chase variants and hard to find figures, and the rest of the offerings were going to be clear so you know what you’d be buying. As the figures normally retail for $13.99, blind boxing everything was certainly an expensive way to collect these, and this year things would be different. To our surprise, the blind boxes we had received courtesy of The Loyal Subjects had the normal non-chase variant figures in them, and also a surprise, we had received doubles of both.
Thank you to The Loyal Subjects for providing their Masters Of The Universe Ram Man and WWE AJ Styles Figures for review.
Availability: 2019
Each figure is packaged in a window box, with three of the boxes that are blind boxed as shown. The packaging also includes nice done artwork, that includes the Masters of the Universe and WWE logos and designs, as well as images of the figures on the sides and back.
Ram Man is offered in his classic colors, with a metallic silver helmet with bolts and chains, as well as his red shirt, black belt with a silver belt buckle, and green legs that are sculpted to look spring loaded, and black boots with silver bolts. The figure is also stylized in this particular style, with his facial details that includes labels for eyes and eye brows.
Ram Man’s articulation includes ball jointed shoulders with limited range of motion as the helmet blocks some of the movement, so it looks more like hinged-swivel motion, swivel wrists, ball jointed hips, ball jointed knees and swivel ankles. The legs pay homage to his spring loaded feature, and the ball joint on the hips allow a full range of motion. Included is his axe that is in light grey.
AJ Styles comes in his white and black shirt, with red and blue stripes on the sides, and white and metallic silver deco over it. The shirt includes a hoodie on the back with the red and blue stripes, his belt also has red and blue stripes on his belt, white pants, red and blue gloves, black and blue elbow pads, black boots with red and blue pads, and the number one on the blue boot. His head sculpt is stylized to match this figure style, rather than a perfect likeness of AJ Styles himself, this one is pretty good. He has his long born hair, a beard and mustache, blue eyes, and brown eye brows.
His articulation includes a ball jointed head, ball jointed shoulders, swivel wrists, ball jointed abs, ball jointed hips, and ball jointed ankles. Included with AJ Styles is a WWE Championship belt, which can fit around his waist, but under his jacket. The only problem is that you can connect the belt on his back, and it simply rests on his hips. In the video, we specified that the belt couldn’t fit over his waist, but that’s inaccurate.
Overall, Ram Man and AJ Styles are nice looking figures and make a nice stocking stuffer for the casual Masters of the Universe and WWE fan. We would suggest collecting the standard versions of the characters, as the chase variations tend to be too difficult to find.