At San Diego Comic-Con 2016, NECA Toys offered the first of these Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time figures based on the classic Arcade, and offered the four Turtles, Shredder and three Foot Soldiers in exclusive packaging. That set opened a lot of doors and since then NECA Toys have expanded the line to many more releases from the animated, film and Arcade series. These figures are available once again as a wider distribution channel, and you can catch up on these with additional accessories and new characters such as Slash and Leatherhead.
This set is based on the classic arcade game, and includes Donatello, Leonardo, Slash and a robotic Foot Soldier.
Get caught up at and check out our video walkthrough with Stefan at this years New York ToyFair.
Thank you to NECA Toys for providing their Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles In Time Figures for review.
Availability: March 2020
Each figure is packaged in a window box, which features artwork inspired from the classic Arcade game. On the back is an image of the figure in an action pose, along with a look at the rest of the wave.
These Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are based on the classic Turtles In Time Arcade game that we all know and love, and this wave includes updates to the 2016 San Diego Comic-Con Box Set such as some new deco and retooling that you can check out in the gallery below. It should be noted that the 2016 Comic-Con sets were molded after the original Arcade design, and these new figures are based on Turtles In Time. If you have the Comic-Con set, then you will be able to see the differences with Leonardo, Donatello and the Foot Soldier, and you should know by now that Slash if brand spanking new and offered for the first-time in 6″ figure scale. This is an impressive set of figures, and you should know just how passionate we are about this brand by now, and if you don’t, then you probably haven’t been reading for too long.
The Foot Soldier is the endless robotic army of Krang and Shredder, and in the game there were several different colors such as orange and grey, along with the purple bots, all with 8-bit arcade/video game appearances. This Foot Soldier is repainted to look as he did in the Turtles In Time game, with the 8-bit pixelated deco and bright animated colors, this Foot Soldier is a lot of fun and an easy army builder choice for collectors. The figure is painted in several shades of purple to show off the 8-bit deco, with several shades of grey, as well as yellow eyes. This release, along with Leonardo and Donatello, come with new hoverboards and acrylic figure stands. The Foot Soldier’s hoverboard is painted in blue, with a yellow Foot symbol on the top, grey, and yellow engine. The Foot Soldier also comes with fisted and open hands, a gun and a sword that he can hold.
Donatello and Leonardo are also given some updates such as the pixelated deco on their bodies, as well as some new retooling such as their bandana’s in the back of their heads, and the knee pads on the back of their legs, which are the most noticeable differences. The sculpts are primarily the same and they have sheaths on the back of their shells to hold the katana’s and bo staff. The pixelated deco is also unique to each character and defined by shapes and darker deco.
Both figures have interchangeable hand sculpts that are unique (as shown in the gallery below), and the new inclusion here from the SDCC set is the hoverboards that are essential to your toy shelf. The boards are painted in green and yellow, as well as purple and blue for Donatello and Leonardo. The boards also have an acrylic figure stand that is ball jointed, allowing the hoverboard to move. All of the figures stand well on the boards and there is a peg to insert their foots into to keep the figure on more sturdy.
Slash is truly a gem to this line and will surely be the most fought after figure in the wave, which we hope that everyone also buys the Turtles and the Foot Soldier as they too are great figures that you definitely need to own. This figure has been teased for years, and now he’s finally made available. Slash is also offered in the 8-bit pixelated deco, and everything about this figure looks right. From the spikes on his body, blades on his hands, and even that zigzag sword, this figure is surely one for the history books. The head sculpt looks great with the shark teeth, black bandana, and white eyes, and his shell is big and bulky looking with the white spikes. Slash is by far a superior figure with the amount of detail and sculpting that went into him, and looks to be something more in lines with Marvel Legends or even something that the Four Horsemen themselves cooked up.
His skin tone is a different shade of green compared to the turtles, with 8-bit deco, a brown shell that has a realistic look to it, purple elbow and knee pads, purple gloves, and even a grey belt with an S on it. Slash also includes his iconic sword, and a grenade. The grenade is a bit too big for his hand, and simply leans on it with his thumb being using to hold the clip.
Overall, The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time figures are simply amazing. As someone who’s played the classic video games, these figure pay great tributes to it and are surely the definitive figures to that game. The deco, sculpting by Trevor Zammit, and overall attention to detail on these are remarkable. This is surely a great time in our history for Turtles toys, and these are a perfect example to that statement.
Megalopolis: City Of Collectibles
NECA Amazon Storefront – Set of 4 for $99.99 plus shipping
NECA eBay Storefront – Set of 4 for $99.99 plus shipping