NECA Toys Defenders Of The Earth The Phantom, Flash Gordon & Ming Figures Review


NECA Toys newly released Defenders Of The Earth line is inspired from the 1986 animated series, and have been modernized to fit in with their other television and movie figures. This wave includes The Phantom, Flash Gordon, and Ming the Merciless. Back at New York ToyFair 2020, before the world changed, we had a look at the five figures included in this line, which also included Mandrake the Magician and Lothar.

Each of these figures are given a modern update compared to being accurate to the series, and they did a great job on updating these while keeping the likenesses memorable to the cartoon.


In the series, there are additional memorable characters, including Richard “Rick” Gordon (the son of Flash Gordon), L.J. (the son of Lothar), Jedda Walker (daughter of the Phantom), and Kshin (adopted son of Mandrake). Some memorable villains include Prince Kro-Tan (Ming the Merciless’ son), Princess Castra (Ming the Merciless’ daughter), Octon (a artificial intelligence that works for Ming), Garax (the leader of Ming’s mechanical soldiers, the Ice Robots), Mongor (a giant serpent-like pet of Ming the Merciless), and Kurt Walker (the older brother of the Phantom). These characters would make great candidates for more offerings in this line, and hopefully that will happen.

Thank you to NECA Toys for providing their Defenders Of The Earth The Phantom, Flash Gordon & Ming Figures for review. 

Availability: March 2021

The Defenders of the Earth figures are packaged in a window box, with beautiful artwork of each character in the box on the front, as well as the logo on the sides. On the back are images of the figure, a description, and a look at the entire line-up announced.


The Phantom comes in his purple costume, and is a light purple with a dark wash, as well as metallic black boots and a belt. The belt buckle features the Phantom logo, that includes a white skull, black eyes, a blue area around it. His head sculpt includes a purple hood that is tight to it, a black mask with white eyes, and nicely done facial details including a five o’clock shadow.

He also includes shared parts with Flash Gordon and Ming, and is given a new head, and belt buckle. Most of the sculpt is the same as Flash’s, with the exception that Flash has new shoulders, a new belt buckle, upper torso and head.



He includes four interchangeable hands (two closed fisted, trigger finger, and a hand with a hole in it where the ring would go to plug in the effect piece made for this), a blaster, a small and long blaster effects, and Zuffy.

When removing the hands, flaking does occur with the paint, so be aware of that. The hand with the hole in it goes with the effect piece with a peg at the end, and inserts in the hand. Once in, it fits in pretty well and creates a nice look to it.


Zuffy is also fully articulated, including a ball jointed head, tail, hips, and swivel-hinged shoulders. This was a nice surprise as not every small creature is given articulation. The details and paint applications on him came out great, including the antenna’s. He also is holding a crystal that is sculpted to his hand.


Flash Gorgon comes in a red costume that is red with a dark wash over it, and this is a very impressive looking just like Phantom’s. The head sculpt looks great including the facial details and paint applications, and is given sculpted blonde hair that came out great. His outfit also includes nicely done sculpted shoulder pads, sculpted and painted details around his neck, and a belt buckle with the logo. As stated above, he uses shared parts with The Phantom and Ming, and is given a newly tooled head, upper torso, shoulders, and a belt buckle.


Flash Gordon includes a blaster, a short and long effect, a blaster, a small and long blaster effects, a sword, and 5 interchangeable hands (two closed fisted, two open grip, and a trigger finger.


Ming is given the most impressive sculpt in this wave, and his outfit features some great sculpting and attention to detail on the paint applications. The gold metallic deco helps make him stand out, and he is also given dark blue and red deco, including a dragon sculpted on the front of the flap, which is made of soft plastic. The belt over his hips is also soft plastic that is placed over it. Around his head is a nicely done with metallic gold, dark blue and red deco and made of soft plastic. The cape is made of fabric, with red on the front and purple in the back, and there is a wire around the bottom of it allowing you to pose it in various ways. He’s also given grey arms, gold and dark blue gauntlets, dark blue pants, and metallic black boots. There is also a ring on his left hand.

His head sculpt features great sculpting and paint applications, including green skin, which is also on the hands, a black beard, black eye brows, pointy ears, and nicely done facial details. There is also a helmet on top painted in a dark blue, with a symbol in the front.


Ming includes three interchangeable hands (two grip, one open), a blaster, a small and long blaster effects, a sword and a Serpent Staff.

The staff and sword are also are given nicely done details, especially the serpent that is sculpted and painted on the staff. The sword has a painted handle, and a metallic silver blade with a red circle on both sides of the top.

Ming is given some new parts and shared parts with Flash Gordon and The Phantom, and is given a new head, upper torso, hands, belt, head piece and cape.

The articulation on all these are also the same, and includes a ball jointed head, ball hinged shoulders, swivel biceps, double-hinged elbows, swivel-hinged wrists, ab crunch, swivel waist, ball jointed hips, double-hinged knees, swivel boots, hinged and rocker ankles.

Overall, the Defenders of the Earth figures from NECA came out great! The attention to detail, likeness and stunning paint applications and accessories make these great. These are defiantly worth adding to your collection and fans of the series will definitely enjoy these.



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