NECA Toys SDCC 2021 Exclusive Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Channel 6 Box Set & Defenders Product Details

NECA Toys sent along some new official details and images of their upcoming SDCC 2021 Exclusive Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Channel 6 Box Set and the Defenders figures that will be available on the NECA Store starting January 22 at 1pm EST. This set includes Burne Thompson (Channel 6 News CEO), Vernon Fenwick (Channel 6 News reporter/Cameraman), Irma (Secretary) and Cat Mutated April O’ Neil (Channel 6 News Star Reporter). The Defenders of the Earth figures include Flash Gordon and Ming the Merciless that are vintage toy inspired.

The Turtles set comes with the bonus accessories as shown, including the exclusive bundle (T-Shirt, press badge, channel 6 patch, news van pin, and building artwork).

Additional figures are available on Entertainment Earth, BigBadToyStore, Hobby Link Japan, Things From Another World, Zavvi – U.S./Canada and Zavvi – U.K.