NYCC 2021 – S.H. Figuarts Dragon Ball Super Movie Figures – Goku, Vegeta & Piccolo Figures

This years New York Comic-Con is underway, and while we’re not there this year due to that pesky delta variant, we’ll do our best to do at least some of the normal show coverage. Bandai Tamashii Nations is at the show and showcasing some new Dragon Ball Super movie figures, which the movie and figures will see released in 2022.

This initial assortment includes Goku, Vegeta and Piccolo as seen in the upcoming film.

If you’re at the show, make sure to stop by the Tamashii Nations booth and check out the display, along with their giant Saiyan Ape statue.

Look for pre-orders and additional figures on BigBadToyStoreEntertainment Earth, Amazon.



Below, is the Saiyan Ape statue on display that you can take selfies with.