Hasbro Marvel Legends X-Men 60th Anniversary Banshee, Gambit & Psylocke Figures Set Review


Hasbro’s newly teased Marvel Legends 60th Anniversary offerings are inspired from the pages of The Uncanny X-Men #275, published by Marvel Comics in 1991, and remains one of the memorable and recognizable outfits to those of us that were living during that time. There are two 3-packs being offered inspired from this comic, including Banshee, Gambit and Psylocke, and Storm, Jubilee and Forge.

Thank you to Entertainment Earth for sending along Hasbro’s Marvel Legends 60th Anniversary Banshee, Gambit & Psylocke Figures Set for review. Entertainment Earth is offering Free USA Shipping on all orders of $59+, including 10% in-stock items. Use this LINK and start shopping.

Availability: April 2023

This set is packaged in a box, with no plastic and packaged inside cardboard. The artwork includes the three figures on the front, sides and back.

The good news about the packaging is that despite it not being better for the environment, they are going back to plastic windows and plastic trays, so you will be able to see what you’re buying as retail theft has been a problem with these window-less boxes, so with the change, you will be able to see what you’re buying, and for in-package collectors, that is more ideal.

Banshee, Gambit and Psylocke come in their classic The Uncanny X-Men #275 yellow and blue outfits, with a red and black belt and X-Men logo belt buckle. Classic X-Men are always crowd pleasures and these two box sets are perfect examples of that, as these outfits are some of their most memorable to the generation buying these figures. All are given unique head sculpts, with Banshee and Gambit shared sculpts, with new upper torso’s, and Banshee’s cape made of plastic held in place by clips. Psylocke is given a shared sculpt with Storm, with a new head sculpt.

Banshee includes a screaming head sculpt, and a set of open handed interchangeable hands.

The normal head sculpt represents his Irish decent with the long bangs, while the screaming head is given an open mouth as if he’s using his Sonic Scream power.


Banshee’s articulation includes a ball jointed head, ball hinged shoulders, butterfly shoulders, swivel biceps, double-hinged elbows, swivel-hinged wrists, swivel waist, ball jointed hips, double jointed knees, swivel boots, hinged and rocker ankles.

Gambit includes his bo staff, a set of interchangeable hand sculpts, Kinetically charged card, and a Satchel.

The head sculpt comes with a black mask covering the sides and forehead, with the ears poking through, brown sculpted hair, red eyes indicating he’s using his mutant powers, and nicely done facial details and paint applications.

Gambit’s bo staff can be held in one or both open grip hands, and comes in a dark grey. The Kinetically charged card can be placed in the hand with the fingers pointing up, and the throwing cards hand gives him a great representation of his mutant abilities as seen in the comics and X-Men: The Animated Series. The satchel can be placed around his waist by first removing his head, and is painted in a dark brown with metallic silver belt buckles.

His articulation is the same as Banshee’s.

Psylocke includes 2 Alternate hands, 2 Psi effects and a Psionic sword.

Psylocke’s head sculpt comes with black hair with a purple wash, and nicely done facial details with red lips and paint apps on the eyes.


Her sword can be placed in either open grip hand, and the long Psi effect is placed over the blade. The other Psi effect can be placed over her closed fisted or open grip hand, and are made of translucent purple plastic.

Her articulation includes a ball jointed head, ball hinged shoulders, swivel biceps, double-hinged elbows, swivel-hinged wrists, ball jointed hips, double jointed knees, hinged and rocker ankles. It should be noted she has fewer points compared to Gambit and Banshee.

Overall, this is a spectacular set that should be on X-Men and Marvel fans radar as it pays tribute to one of the best era’s of the X-Men in Marvel Comics, and with today’s toy standards and articulation, buying this set should be a no brainer.


Entertainment Earth 

Entertainment Earth is offering Free USA Shipping on all orders of $59+, including 10% in-stock items. Use this LINK and start shopping.