In 1992, Dark Horse Comics introduced a new comic series crossover bringing together two blockbuster franchises, Robocop and Terminators. The series reveals that the technology that built RoboCop will lead to the creation of Skynet, Alex Murphy must engage in time-twisting battle against both the murderous computer network and the human resistance fighters out to destroy him. The series was written by Frank Miller and drawn by Walt Simonson.
This isn’t the first time that NECA Toys brought this story to the toy aisles, as 2014 saw RoboCop vs. Terminator 8-bit deco figures inspired by the classic video game. These figures were released separately, with RoboCop and Terminator figures being offered. Following these releases, NECA Toys announced different versions of these figures that are based on the Dark Horse Comic Series, that are available now. The Future Robocop figure joins the EndoCop and Terminator Dog 2-pack in this series.
Thank you to NECA Toys for providing their Ultimate Future RoboCop figure for review.
Availability: January 2018
The packaging for this set features retro artwork from the comic book series by Dark Horse Comics, which includes images of the Ultimate Future RoboCop figure. The artwork on the packaging is very inventive and brings you a look at what is going on with the war on Skynet. with the front and sides giving you great detail that is extremely colorful, and shows RoboCop blasting off using his jets. The back of the box gives you a look at the figure, that is also in a comic style, and a brief synopsis for the comic. The inner flap has an enlarged image of the figures, as well as the window showcasing the figures in a tray, with a comic style backdrop behind it.
The Ultimate Future RoboCop figure is based on his appearances as seen in the comic, and is given a bit of a NECA twist to it to make this look realistic rather than a cartoony comic appearance. RoboCop shares some parts of previous RoboCop figures, and includes a rocket jetpack sculpted on his back. The rockets and missiles are nicely individually painted and are held in place with clamps that are attached to a pipe. His head sculpt includes a helmet with a visor, and the facial details of Alex Murphy, or RoboCop as fans are familiar with. Robocop’s right shoulder is mounted with a machine gun that is articulated, and his left hand includes a rocket launcher. There is no gun storage on the figures hip, which does not open up like it does for other RoboCop figures. The articulation and detail on this figure is quite excellent, including the shiny metallic silver deco on the body with some blue highlights. The stomach and lower back is painted in black, along with the neck, and back of the legs. Attached to the sides of the knees are jet packs as shown on the artwork on the box. The fingers are a big on the fragile side, especially when placing the Auto 9 pistol in the hand.
With the EndoCop and Terminator Dog also available in this series, this collection of figures is a great way for NECA Toys to wrap up 2017, and also launch 2018 with this new addition to the line. RoboCop is quite an impressive looking figure, and the missiles and rockets on his back and arm are a nice touch.
Overall, this is an excellent figure with a great likeness to the Dark Horse comic book. The detail on the figure, especially the paint applications look amazing. Fans of the series, along with fans of RoboCop will love this figure.
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