FanHome Transformers Optimus Prime Build-Up Model – Subscription Box #4 (Stages 11-14) Review



Hi Everyone. Rob Hull here with the next part of my FanHome Optimus Prime Build-Up Model series here on ToyHypeUSA. This time, I will be building box 4, which contains stage 11-14 of the model. These stages continue the assembly of the upper part of Optimus’ right leg. Let’s get started.

This build starts with stage 11, which finishes the construction of the main part of the thigh and upper leg.

Next up is Stage 12, which, in the overall scheme of things, is a fairly boring stage, if I’m being honest. It consists of a number of panels added to the back of the leg, including some blue accent panels. It is also the only stage of the model so far with no screws.

Next up is stage 13, whose complexity made up for the ease of Stage 12. NOTE: THERE ARE SOME VERY SMALL WASHERS USED IN THIS STAGE. TAKE YOUR TIME. Make sure you do this stage over a table and be very careful. Trust me, you do not want to drop one of these washers. This stage adds the knee joint, but it is still a very loose assembly at this point.

Finally, the last stage in this box, Stage 14 finishes the upper part of the right leg, adding some final accent details and securing fastening the knee joint in place. Again, very small washers and a few delicate plastic parts in this stage. Be careful!

That does it for this box. Next time, I’ll be doing Box 5, which consists of stages 15-18. If you’d like to build this, or any of FanHome’s other amazing models, you can subscribe at

My special thanks to Erik at FanHome for providing this model.