BigBadToyStore and Fresh Monkey Fiction have opened pre-orders for a new wave of Naughty or Nice 1/12th Scale figures, which are Christmas themed. Get your orders in now by clicking HERE!
Santa’s Sleign is compatible with these 6″ figures, and you’d need to buy 9 reindeer and the Reindeer heads pack to go along with it. The sleigh is priced at $69.99, Zombie Pirate Santa ($36.99), Children ($29.99) each, Santataur ($49.99) and Kramputaur ($49.99).
These ship in Q1, 2026 and need to hit a number so production can move forward, so make sure to pre-order if you’re interested in these.
BigBadToyStore is offering $4 Flat Rate US Shipping and a Pile of Loot feature to ship later. Use this LINK and start shopping.