Optimus Prime has joined Hasbro’s Transformers: The Movie Studio Series ’86 line-up, and he is the leader of the Autobots and an essential character in this collection. Optimus Prime transforms into a truck and includes a trailer. The Studio Series ’86 line has given fans the best likenesses in sculpt, design and colors from G1, and this has been the best modern-era G1 line and a dream come true for fans.
Thank you to BigBadToyStore for sending along Hasbro’s Transformers Studio Series 86-31 Commander Class Optimus Prime for review.
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Availability: November 2024
Optimus Prime is packaged in the standard box packaging and includes some great artwork, images and logo’s. On the back are images of Optimus Prime in both modes, including a look at the diorama that is included.
The cardboard diorama depicts Autobot City, and big enough so that Optimus Prime can stand on the base. The artwork on these diorama’s has been phenomenal in this line and this one is no exception. We’ve seen this one before, but it’s still a good one.
Optimus Prime is given an all-new sculpt and is inspired from the 1986 Transformers The Movie, and he is one of the more G1-accurate figures that Hasbro has ever released. In most other cases, Hasbro has always him from the 80’s cartoon or vintage toy inspired, so getting him in the Studio Series ’86 line is truly something different and special compared to what’s come before. He comes with a blue windshield, and keeps true to his G1 colors including red, blue, white, yellow, and metallic silver.
The head sculpt looks good and is primary blue and grey, with light blue eyes.
The Matrix of Leadership is hidden inside his chest and can be taken out and placed in his hands. This is in metallic gold and silver, with a blue gem like piece at the center.
Optimus Prime comes with a blaster and an energon axe that can be placed on his wrist. The blast effect can be plugged into the blaster as shown.
Optimus Prime also comes with 2 blast-off effects, blaster, energon axe, 2 blast effects, Roller and Autolauncher Repair Drone, in addition to the trailer.
He is also articulated, and includes a ball jointed head, swivel-hinged shoulders, swivel biceps, hinged elbows, swivel wrists, hinged fingers, swivel waist, swivel-hinged hips, swivel thighs, and hinged knees.
Comparing Optimus Prime to New Year’s 2000 (15th Anniversary), Earthrise, and last years Holiday Options Prime figures, you can see how well he stands out and certainly a great and show-accurate figure.
Transforming him into truck more was a bit challenging, but the likeness is also great. The blaster can also be stored on his back as shown. The windows on the sides are also blue, and all of the details that you would expect are here.
In truck more, he can be raised on these blast-off effects, that connect to the bottom of the front.
The trailer includes 8 wheels, an Autobot logo on both sides, and what you’d expect it to look like. It is primarily dark and light grey, blue, black tires with metallic silver hubcaps.
The blast-off effects can be stored underneath the back end of the trailer.
Obviously, with all other trailers that came with Optimus Prime before, this opens up and this time around you can store his weapons (blaster and Energon Axe), and 2 blast effects as shown. The Autolauncher Repair Drone and Roller are also placed on.
The Autolauncher Repair Drone and Roller folds up and includes a claw that also folds.
Optimus Prime can stand on the platform as shown, and the trailer serves as a repair center.
Roller can seat several Headmasters from Transformers: Titans Return, as the instructions shows. The headmaster fits in perfectly and it looks like you can fit up to 4 figures.
The Autolauncher Repair Drone can be placed on top of Roller, and the 2 blast effects can be placed on as shown. Roller has rotating tires so you can move him around.
Overall, Hasbro’s Transformers Studio Series ’86 line has been a dream come true for fans that want G1 accurate figures, and this line has not disappointed! This is one of the best Optimus Prime figures from G1 that Hasbro has ever offered, so you’re definitely going to want to own him and other figures from this line! Of course Hasbro will always make new Optimus Prime figures, but I think this one is going to be remembered more than others. You can buy him and additional figures now at BigBadToyStore.
BigBadToyStore is offering $4 Flat Rate Shipping and a Pile of Loot feature to ship later. Use this LINK and start shopping.