Cad Bane returns to the Star Wars franchise in The Book of Boba Fett, taking place years after the events of Star Wars The Clone Wars. This series has the character working for the Pyke Syndicate on Tatooine where he battles and kills Cobb Vanth, and battles The Mandalorian, and Boba Fett. This is the third Cad Bane figure offered in The Black Series 6″ line, as we’ve gotten versions offered in The Clone Wars and The Bad Batch. This one is based on The Book of Boba Fett, and in my opinion is made better and visually more appealing compared to his other releases.
Thank you to BigBadToyStore for sending along Hasbro’s Star Wars: The Black Series 6″ Cad Bane (Book of Boba Fett) figure for review.
Availability: December 2024
Cad Bane is packaged in a window box with artwork of the character and a description on the back. He comes in a plastic tray for safe keeping.
Cad Bane is an all-new sculpt and he’s basically a space bounty hunter that looks like an old west cowboy, which is obviously the inspiration for his outfit. He comes in a long brown duster coat, leather chaps (that are plastic), a cow boy hat, ammo belt, holsters on his hips, ammo belts on his boots and brown boots, and other cowboy details as seen in the series. The forearms are blue, which is unique for this outfit and how he looked in the series. The skin color is also blue, as seen on the face and fingers.
The head sculpt looks great and the hat is removable, and the facial details have those bright orange and yellow eyes, and and tubes on the sides of his face going to a small backpack.
Included are two pistols, which can be placed in the holsters on his hips, and a hat.
His articulation includes a ball jointed neck, swivel-hinged shoulders, butterfly shoulders, swivel-hinged elbows, swivel-hinged wrists, ball jointed torso, ball jointed hips, swivel-hinged knees, hinged and rocker ankles.
Comparing Cad Bane is his Clone Wars release, you see the vast differences and similarities in the outfits, even the head sculpts. This new release stands out on its own, and I believe he is made better than what has come before. The other comparison is with The Mandalorian.
Overall, Cad Bane is an excellent figure that you need to add to your collection. The likeness and attention to detail looks great. Make sure grab him now at BigBadToyStore for $25.99.
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