Super7 ThunderCats Ultimates! Young Lion-O Figure Review

Super7 ThunderCats Ultimates! Young Lion-O Figure


Young Lion-O joins Super7’s ThunderCats Ultimates line, which is part of wave 10 that also includes Young Lion-O, Snarfer, and Mumm-Ra (Dream Master). Young Lion-O appeared in the episode “Exodus,” which tells the story of Lion-O and the ThunderCats leaving Thundera before it explodes. Young Lion-O witnesses the planets destruction using the mystic Eye of Thundera by Jaga, as well as the Sword of Omens. This version of Lion-O is his younger teenage years before adulthood and before he became the leader of the ThunderCats.

Thank you to BigBadToyStore for sending along Super7’s ThunderCats Ultimates! Young Lion-O figure for review. 

BigBadToyStore is offering $4 Flat Rate Shipping and a Pile of Loot feature to ship later. Use this LINK and start shopping.

Availability: January 2025

Young Lion-O is packaged in the standard Ultimates! window box packaging, with logo’s, an image on the back as well as a description.

Super7 ThunderCats Ultimates! Young Lion-O Figure

Young Lion-O is inspired from his appearance in the mid-1980’s ThunderCats series, which ran from 1985-1989, and this version of him makes his action figure debut just like many other ThunderCats characters in the Ultimates line. Lion-O comes in his light blue tank top, with a dark blue trim, the ThunderCats belt around his waist that is dark blue, grey, and the red and black logo, and blue shorts. The boots are a dark blue with a grey trim, and he has light grey painted forearms and hands compared to the tan flesh color on his upper arm, legs, neck and head.

Super7 ThunderCats Ultimates! Young Lion-O Figure Super7 ThunderCats Ultimates! Young Lion-O Figure Super7 ThunderCats Ultimates! Young Lion-O Figure

Lion-O includes three head sculpts, all given unique facial expressions. The attention to detail on the faces all look great, which includes normal, and and two with teeth showing. The hair is sculpted and red, with parts of it sticking out in the back.

Super7 ThunderCats Ultimates! Young Lion-O Figure

He includes four sets of interchangeable hands, including closed fisted, neutral, open, and gripping hands.

Super7 ThunderCats Ultimates! Young Lion-O Figure Super7 ThunderCats Ultimates! Young Lion-O Figure

Lion-O includes a short, and long Sword of Omens. The swords are basically what has come before, with metallic silver, and the red and black Eye of Thundera above the handle.

Super7 ThunderCats Ultimates! Young Lion-O Figure Super7 ThunderCats Ultimates! Young Lion-O Figure

He also includes a stand for the Sword of Omens, which is smaller compared to the one that comes with Cat’s Lair. This new stand is too small for the Sword of Omens hidden chamber inside Cat’s Lair.

His articulation includes a ball jointed head, swivel-hinged shoulders, swivel biceps, swivel-hinged elbows, swivel wrists, ball jointed torso, ball jointed hips, swivel-hinged knees, hinged and rocker ankles.

Super7 ThunderCats Ultimates! Young Lion-O Figure

Overall, Young Lion-O looks great and this is a really good figure capturing his likeness. The quality and attention to detail looks great and he fits in nicely with the rest of the line. Make sure to grab him and other figures now at BigBadToyStore!



BigBadToyStore is offering $4 Flat Rate Shipping and a Pile of Loot feature to ship later. Use this LINK and start shopping.


Super7 ThunderCats Ultimates! Young Lion-O Figure Super7 ThunderCats Ultimates! Young Lion-O Figure Super7 ThunderCats Ultimates! Young Lion-O Figure Super7 ThunderCats Ultimates! Young Lion-O Figure Super7 ThunderCats Ultimates! Young Lion-O Figure Super7 ThunderCats Ultimates! Young Lion-O Figure Super7 ThunderCats Ultimates! Young Lion-O Figure Super7 ThunderCats Ultimates! Young Lion-O Figure Super7 ThunderCats Ultimates! Young Lion-O Figure Super7 ThunderCats Ultimates! Young Lion-O Figure Super7 ThunderCats Ultimates! Young Lion-O Figure Super7 ThunderCats Ultimates! Young Lion-O Figure Super7 ThunderCats Ultimates! Young Lion-O Figure Super7 ThunderCats Ultimates! Young Lion-O Figure Super7 ThunderCats Ultimates! Young Lion-O Figure Super7 ThunderCats Ultimates! Young Lion-O Figure Super7 ThunderCats Ultimates! Young Lion-O Figure Super7 ThunderCats Ultimates! Young Lion-O Figure Super7 ThunderCats Ultimates! Young Lion-O Figure Super7 ThunderCats Ultimates! Young Lion-O Figure Super7 ThunderCats Ultimates! Young Lion-O Figure Super7 ThunderCats Ultimates! Young Lion-O Figure Super7 ThunderCats Ultimates! Young Lion-O Figure Super7 ThunderCats Ultimates! Young Lion-O Figure Super7 ThunderCats Ultimates! Young Lion-O Figure Super7 ThunderCats Ultimates! Young Lion-O Figure Super7 ThunderCats Ultimates! Young Lion-O Figure Super7 ThunderCats Ultimates! Young Lion-O Figure Super7 ThunderCats Ultimates! Young Lion-O Figure Super7 ThunderCats Ultimates! Young Lion-O Figure