BigBadToyStore has an in-stock listings of the Four Horsemen Studios – Mythic Legions: Necronominus Wave. Each figure is priced between $49.99 – $79.99, the hands and feet pack are $24.99, and the accessory packs are $29.99. You can pre-order now by clicking HERE!
The Horsemen are on a role with their Mythic Legions line, and today they revealed the full wave of their Mythic Legions: Necronominus figures, which will see new figures, 2 horses, hands, feet and weapons packs.
This wave includes:
- Belualyth
- Bishop (Horse)
- Conabus (Horse)
- Hands & Feet Pack, Skeletons of Necronominus
- Necronominus
- Sir Adalric
- Sir Elijah
- Sir Gideon Heavensbrand 2
- Sir Ucczjak (Ogre-scale)
- The Turpiculi (Deluxe)
- Undead Builder Pack (Deluxe)
- Weapons Pack, Knights of Eathyron