McFarlane Toys – DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure Review

McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure


“In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil’s might beware my power…Green Lantern’s light!”

McFarlane Toys continues to expand their DC Multiverse line-up and are diving deeper in the Green Lantern Corps with some new offerings of fan-favorites such as Tomar-Re and Abin Sur, which is the standard release, and Arkkis Chummuck and Green Man, which is the Platinum Edition Chase figure set and harder to find. These are inspired from their classic comic book appearances and both versions includes 2 head sculpts giving you the option to display either character or buy multiples to display both.

These are also characters you see get a release every decade or so, with DC Direct and Mattel had offered these characters in the past several decades. This is the first-time that they are being offered with interchangeable heads and one body, so these are surely going to be memorable.

Thank you to Entertainment Earth for sending along for review. 

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Availability: October 2024

The Green Lantern is packaged in the standard DC Multiverse windbox, with logo’s and text, and Green Lantern Corps artwork on the back featuring many different characters and used from a classic DC Green Lantern comic book.

McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure

Green Lantern is given a standard DC Multiverse body with the bulky tone and comes in his Green Lantern Corps green, white and black outfit, with the GL symbol on his chest. The sculpt is covered in a sculpted texture, which is something we see consistently throughout the line. This set is the standard release and includes head sculpts for both Tomar-Re and Abin Sur, two well known GL’s.

McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure

The head sculpts look great and capture a good likeness to the classic comics, with Tomar-Re given a mask over his eyes while Abin-Sur does not. The heads are also given their own sculpted texture, and each are given nicely done facial details. Tomar-Re is a bird-like alien, and he is given a beak and a fin on top, along with pointy ears. Abin-Sur is right purple, with dark lips and painted eyes.

McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure

In addition to the heads, the set also includes a total of 8 interchangeable hands (2x closed fisted, 1x open grip, 3x flight, 1x Guardian construct, 1x green energy effect), a stand with a peg, a collector card, a Green Lantern power battery, and a shield.

McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure

The energy effect hand with a Guardian construct is small but very detailed.

McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure

The Lantern power battery can be held in their left open grip hand, and also used to recharge with their right closed fisted hand.

McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure

The shield includes a clip on the back and clips onto the wrist joint, but beware this can be fragile. The front of the shield is fully detailed with the Green Lantern symbol.

McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure

The green energy right hand is a nice addition to the set as this is his only offensive weapon that is included.

He is also fully articulated, and includes a ball jointed head and neck, ball hinged and butterfly shoulders, swivel biceps, double-hinged elbows, swivel-hinged wrists, ball jointed torso, ball jointed waist, ball jointed hips, double-hinged knees, hinged and rocker ankles.

McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure

If you’re lucky enough you’ll be able to track down at least one or two of the Platinum Edition Arkkis Chummuck and Green Man sets as a companion piece to Tomar-Re and Abin Sur, which all use the same sculpt and both sets are given the same accessories, only with different head sculpts.

Overall, this is surely a great set and has been popular amongst fans and collectors as they want to build their Green Lantern army. I have been picking and choosing carefully with DC Multiverse but Green Lantern characters like these are hard to say no too. These are surely essential for your collection so you’re definitely going to want to pick up a few sets of this figure.


Entertainment Earth

Entertainment Earth is offering Free USA Shipping on all orders of $79+, including 10% in-stock items. Use this LINK and start shopping.


McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure McFarlane Toys - DC Multiverse Green Lantern Corps Tomar-Re/Abin Sur Figure