Quake was originally released by Hasbro in 1988 as part of the Targetmaster sub-line in the Generation 1 line. He transforms into a Leopard 2 Main Battle Tank that includes a plasma cannon, and Targetmaster Tiptop and Heater figures.
Thank you to BigBadToyStore for sending along Hasbro’s Transformers: Legacy United Deluxe GI Universe Quake figure for review.
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Availability: December 2024 at BigBadToyStore
Quake is packaged in the standard window box packaging that is has been seen many times over in this line, including nicely done artwork and images on all sides. On the back are images of him in both modes.
Quake is a modern update to his 1988 release in the Transformers Generation One line, and was originally part of the Targetmaster offerings. This new release comes with Targetmaster’s of Tiptop and Heater. The figure is given his G1 colors, which includes blue, red, dark and light grey, black, a metallic gold face, red eyes and a purple Decepticon logo on his chest. There are a lot of great tiny details in the sculpt, which is something that fans have gotten used too in this modern-era Transformers offerings.
Quake uses some shared parts from Skullgrin but also is given some new parts such as the head, torso, legs, and transforms into a tank in 24 steps.
He is also fully articulated, and includes a swivel neck, swivel-hinged shoulders, swivel biceps, swivel-hinged elbows, swivel wrists, swivel waist, swivel-hinged hips, swivel thighs, and hinged knees.
Tiptop and Heater are Targetmasters, which means that they can transform into weapons (blasters) and into a robot mode with one step. They are bigger than a Headmaster, and are given some paint applications of their own as shown. The headmaster shown came with Titans Return Quake.
Quake can hold the Targetmasters in one or both hands.
Transformers Titans Return Quake was a great offering, but this new release is more accurate to his Generation One release.
Quake transformers into a tank, and the cannon is hinged and be raised or lowered. The tank turret can also swivel around. The Targetmaster’s can also be placed on the top of the turret or on the sides. There is also a Deception logo on top.
Overall, Hasbro’s Transformers Legacy United Quake figure looks great and and pays a great tribute to the vintage toy and given some modern updates in this new line This is certainly a figure you will want to add to your collection, so make sure to pick him up today at BigBadToyStore.
BigBadToyStore is offering $4 Flat Rate Shipping and a Pile of Loot feature to ship later. Use this LINK and start shopping.