Ezra Bridger returned to the Star Wars franchise after the events of Star Wars Rebels in the live-action Ahsoka series streaming on DIsney+, which also introduced characters such as Grand Admiral Thrawn to the screen. This version of Ezra Bridger is based on the Hero of Lothal storyline, which is actually from Star Wars Rebels, not Ahsoka. While he does return in the latest season of the Ahsoka series, this version of Ezra is a bit confusing only appearance Hasbro got the show wrong on the packaging, and they even show Ezra as a hologram, but the figure looks he came from the live-action Ahsoka series. So it raises the question why didn’t Hasbro just wait until Ezra Bridger actually returned in the Ahsoka series and wait for good referencing to make a figure like this and get it right the first time, packaging and all.
Hasbro probably wanted to get something out in time for the new season of Ahsoka, and this is a pretty good figure overall. Plus Hasbro needed to use this character in their Ghost crowdfund, which uses some shared parts as this regular release figure.
Thank you to BigBadToyStore for sending along Hasbro’s Star Wars The Vintage Collection (Ahsoka) Ezra Bridger (Hero of Lothal) Figure for review.
Availability: 2024
Ezra Bridger is packaged on a blister card with logo’s and an appearance of him as a hologram on the front, a look at the figure and package on the back, and a description.
Ezra Bridger is inspried from his appearance in Star Wars Rebels, specially the Hero of Lothal storyline in the final season, and not based on the live-action Ahsoka series as the packaging would suggest as he didn’t appear in that series until after this figure came out. It’s a bit confusing and maybe a little misleading of Hasbro to use the Ahsoka series logo and tie-it into an episode of Star Wars Rebels, and offer this figure as a concept at best. But that doesn’t mean he’s still not a great figure and he pays a great likeness to the character. He comes in a bright orange-red, with yellow upper body armor. He also comes in black pants with brown boots with yellow details, a brown holster and belt for the blaster pistol, and a hole on the hip for the lightsaber hilt.
The head sculpt is very detailed and has a great likeness to the Star Wars Rebels series, and the Photo Real deco is mostly accurate.
Included with Ezra is a blaster-pistol that can bee stored in the holster, a lightsaber hilt that is stored on the belt, and a green lightsaber. This particular version of Ezra uses the green lightsaber, and the younger version uses the blue lightsaber that you may recall in the series. So Hasbro got the color of the lightsaber right, but I wish they would release a new version of him younger with a blue lightsaber, as that would be great.
His articulation includes a ball jointed head, ball hinged shoulders, double-hinged elbows, swivel-hinged wrists, ball jointed torso, swivel waist, ball jointed hips, swivel thighs, swivel-hinged knees, hinged and rocker ankles.
This figure (left) uses some of the tooling used for Ezra Bridger (right) that came with the Ghost, that massive ship that Hasbro had crowdfunded. What is reuse is the torso, hips and legs. The upper armor (yellow) is new, as is the head. The belt is also new, and both figures have different color details on their boots.
Overall, Ezra Bridger is an excellent figure and one you need to add to complete your Ghost Crew collection. Even if you have the crowdfunded version, this release has enough differences to warrant another purchase, and if you kept that crowdfunded version in. the package, this would go great inside your Ghost ship. Make sure to grab Ezra now at BigBadToyStore!
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